Ahai 7D Energy Healing

What is Ahai?


Welcome to my Ahai page! Energy healing is a true passion of mine and I am so in love with Ahai energy that I use it every day! Ahai sessions are a transformational journey that provides exactly what is needed at the time for the highest and best of the recipient.

7th dimension energy healing is the frequency of miracles, the Angelic realm and the realm of the Akashic Records (the record of the soul). Ahai is a sanskrit word that translates to 'Mother' and 'Favoured by God/Source'. Ahai energy healing is the frequency of divine love and is the healing energy of the Angels and divine feminine energy of creation. Ahai is channeled through the practitioner and out their hands to the recipient to promote and stimulate their body’s natural healing abilities. As the practitioner, I act as a channel/facilitator for the energy to move through my body.

Ahai is known to promote rapid transformational healing, moving through the energy body and going exactly where it is needed most for the recipient.

All healing sessions are miracles, some are instantaneous and some miracles are not always noticed. Sometimes lessons are revealed that needs to be worked through in order for the shift/healing to take place. During the session you may feel heat, cool, vibrations, see visions or nothing at all. All experiences are beautiful and perfect in their own way. Every experience will be different. :)

Click below to learn more about the benefits of Ahai:

Custom Ahai Session/Activation Package - FREE Consult Here ✨

Ahai Session

Ahai Session:

During the session I focus on the 7 main chakra system in the energy body. The Chakra's are energy centres/wheels throughout the body that correspond to an area of your mind/body/soul system. I work primarily with the 7 main chakras to balance/clear them, stimulating the body's natural healing ability, to shift the energy in that area of your life to make positive, abundant changes for your highest and best.


  • Realigns our energy body for optimal health and well-being
  • Clears any blockages in the energy centres
  • Promotes relaxation, detox, and relieves stress from the body
  • Clears energetic cords and divinely protects the energy body
  • Connects us to source energy, opening up our intuition

Healing Modalities I Use (not every session, intuitively led):

  • Crystals: crystal wands - selenite, chakra stones
  • Energy Healing
  • Angels, Divine Spirit Guides
  • Oracle Cards
  • Radiesthia
  • Aromatherapy, Incense
  • Singing Bowls

At the beginning of the session we will discuss your intention, I will read your energy field and aura to assess your chakras. Then we will go into meditation, while you find a comfortable position, I will channel the energy for balancing your chakras and energy body. We will then end with an oracle card reading and I will share anything the Angels & Spirit Guides would like to add as well.


Book Your FREE Consultation Here

Ahai 7D Custom Session/Activation Package

Book A FREE Consultation Here

This consultation is for those who are interested in healing, are ready to do the work, and are ready to make the investment: $350-$1500/per month.

Available in the custom packages:

  • Ahai 7D Energy Healing - custom sessions
  • Personal Development/Intuitive Guidance/Channeled Messages
  • Voxer Support - to ask questions any time with 24 hour response time

All packages are custom made, if you have an ask please do so at your consultation.

How you will benefit from an Ahai package: examples of what we can work on

  • custom made -- you get to receive exactly what you are looking for
  • your specific intention, we will create and manifest together
  • support, healing and integration
  • increase psychic abilities, activations
  • relationships, boundaries
  • transformation, perspective shifts
  • receiving channeled messages from higher dimensional beings
  • and more!

Sign up for your free consult with me and we will discuss how you would like your package set up!

The Akashic Field


Akasha translates to sky space. The Akashic Records is the record of your soul. I describe it as a library with rows of books, each book is the keeper of ones soul. Experiences, contracts, life times, all is within the "book".

Have you every wondered what your mission and purpose is? Why this time? Ever wondered about soul contracts, why certain things happen? 

The Akashic Records is a "cosmic google" as it holds space for answers to all of our questions.

The sessions I facilitate are deep transformation, healing, and activations using Ahai 7D Energy Healing and accessing the Akashic Records of the client. 

Throughout the session I will be channeling Ahai energy to heal, balance your chakras and release what is no longer serving you. A lot of healing occurs while in the Akashic records, where we can close loops and end cycles, healing past life traumas, this is extra potent when channeling Ahai energy to facilitate this healing.

My speciality is in personal development work and soul transformation. If you are looking for a psychic reading with deep guidance, questions, answers, healing, support, then this is place for you. My gift is seeing people deeply, through to the soul, holding space for people to open up and heal. I am quite direct and can see the question behind the question. These readings are also meant for personal development work, which is spiritual development on a soul level. Expansion and growth is my niche.

It is important to note these sessions are guided by the Spirit Guides and the Akashic Records, what comes through is divinely guided and what is needed at the time. The session will be approximately 45 minutes. I am excited to be apart of your spiritual growth journey! I look forward to meeting with you soon! :)

Click the link below to book a session now!

Custom Ahai offerings and packages are available per request. Please send me an email if you are interested in co-creating your personalized session(s) with me today!

I am so excited to be on this journey with you 🌹