New Earth Codes

mission of Carly Spirit: facilitate activation codes for light leaders, to activate our highest self, highest mission, new earth codes. to support the transition of gaia to the New Earth, 5th dimension. this transition starts with each one of us, a healing. divine truth, divine love, divine connection.

Carly is an activator & divine channel of her higher-self/oversoul. the over-soul is a collection of experiences across plains, times and dimensions of the same soul frequency.

Carly works in the 7th & 8th dimensions: the angelic realm, akashic realm and the realm of Ahai 7D energy healing.

The akashic realm is the dimensional point of accessing experiences of the oversoul, past/present/future.

Ahai 7D Energy Healing is the frequency of miracles and transformation. Ahai is a sanskrit word for "mother/favoured by God-Source". It is the divine feminine energy of creation.

Carly Spirit is a space, a movement, a community, to share our stories, our truth, to heal, to transmute, integrate and activate to divine love. this is a living example of New Earth. Carly and her soul want to co-create this community together. to expand and rise, as light leaders, as the oracles we are.


Truth. Love. Connect.




Live from your truth unapologetically. Speak from love and with love. You are a unique frequency, a unique soul. The world needs your truth.




Unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness. We are all an expression of source and are all one. Love yourself.




Connect with yourself, inner-soul and higher-self. You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny. Co-create with the universe for the life you desire.